Cheer Leader

Hi, I'm Belinda!

As someone who actively engages ​with leaders, professionals, and ​aspiring entrepreneurs across ​Maryland, I’m genuinely commitment ​to enhancing wellbeing. With my ​company, TRU 2 FITNESS HEALTH, which ​has been transforming workplace ​culture for the past five years, We ​enjoy implementing proactive ​strategies to address burnout and ​stress.

Our work is dedicated to healthier ​and more productive environments ​within small companies. Whether ​you're seeking strategies or looking ​to pivot, we’re excited to provide ​insight and Help navigate your role ​with confidence and resilience.

I founded TRU 2 Fitness Health (T2FH) in 2019 because I saw a pressing need to ​transform workplace wellbeing. As a surgical nurse with experience in various ​medical settings, I witnessed firsthand the immense challenges healthcare ​professionals face in prioritizing their own well-being alongside demanding patient ​care duties. I recognized the hurdles present in traditional workplace environments, ​particularly in high-pressure settings like hospitals, where many healthcare workers ​struggle to prioritize self-care and mental health.

Driven by the belief that no ​individual should compromise ​their wellbeing for their career.

Forming T2FH was a strategic move to tackle workplace challenges and deliver ​wellbeing initiatives directly to organizations. At T2FH, our approach to leadership is ​both clear and effective, making wellbeing accessible and engaging for employees, ​regardless of their schedules or workplace demands.

Through my extensive interactions with numerous CEOs, I have observed a growing ​recognition of the crucial role employee health and happiness play in organizational ​success. Companies are increasingly aware of the detrimental effects of burnout and ​stress on productivity and morale, and are addressing issues such as absenteeism, lost ​productivity, and the negative impacts on their bottom line.

Despite this growing recognition - something was still “off”

I decided to better serve the community by partnering with leaders and becoming an ​advocate for their mental wellbeing. Embracing this role, I focus on cheering leaders ​on and taking proactive steps to address their mental health needs. Since then, I have ​provided companies and participating leaders with comprehensive wellbeing tools ​designed to tackle feelings of overwhelm and dissatisfaction. My efforts include ​leading workshops, speaking at events, creating audio programs, producing ​educational videos, and hosting live seminars. A key focus of my work is gathering ​emerging leaders through the LeaderHER to Leadership program, fostering their ​growth and development.

breakaway call

Leadership ​Pivots


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Breakaway Calls offer 15, 30, or 60-minute ​power sessions that deliver targeted, ​actionable advice to success seekers, ​entrepreneurs, and career strategists. ​These sessions are designed to enhance ​strategies, accelerate professional ​growth, and tackle challenges effectively.


Development for Lasting ​Success

Leadership To ​Leadership



LeadHER To Leadership Code

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A 30-Day Pivot crafted to sustain momentum and enhance your ​wellbeing as an influential leader, fostering recognition and ​equipping you with actionable steps to grow and overcome ​obstacles effectively.